This time of year has always held a particular place in my heart, mostly because it's right around my birthday. And this birthday year is particularly special because it happens to be my 40th on this planet. As I retrospect on my existence, I must say that I'm content with my place in this world, and I wish the same for you. I also love this time because we have begun laying the groundwork for our garden. Though it may look barren, there is potential for future growth. The trees are just blossoming with fragrant white plum flowers and delicate pink peach flowers. Though the threat of deer attacks is omnipresent, I'm feeling especially optimistic this year. GAIA REBORN BOOK LAUNCHThe big news I have to share is the official launch of GAIA REBORN! The second book in the Ascended series, GAIA REBORN takes place two years after the events of GAIA HUNTED. The novel is available for sale at your favorite retailer. Below is the blurb of the novel and a link to the first chapter. Of course Mattie Fisher runs away. Her power to remember past lives is threatening her stability. Every dream pushes her deeper into the abyss as the voices from the past crowd her very sense of self. Hawaii seems like the perfect place to hide for the rest of her life—until she’s discovered by the gods of war, who want her dead, and Jared Stone, the man she loves but swore she’d never see again. They drag Mattie back into the world of the Ascended. To survive, Mattie must harness her powers at the Lyceum, a school deep in the desert. She assumes the gods there are allies but soon learns that they’re as dangerous as any enemy she’s ever faced. The only way Mattie will live is if she conquers her fears and fully embraces a destiny that could destroy the very people she wants to protect. READ the first chapter ORDER GAIA REBORN Thank you for all your support and I hope you enjoy GAIA REBORN.
Be well and happy reading!
After a loooong hiatus, I am thrilled to finally announce the upcoming release of GAIA REBORN on May 11, 2023! This is the second book in the Ascended series and the highly-anticipated sequel to GAIA HUNTED. I have to be honest, GAIA REBORN was the toughest book I've ever written. After the release of my first book, I found myself questioning many things about being a writer. I asked myself why I do this, and what the purpose of it all is. It was a challenging time, but after much soul-searching, I found some answers and overcame my own doubts. I am incredibly proud of the result. GAIA REBORN is the best book I've written so far, and it has reaffirmed my belief in my skills, motivation, and passion for writing stories. I truly hope that when you read it, you'll feel the same way too.
GAIA REBORN is available for pre-order. Thank you all for your unwavering support, and I can't wait to share GAIA REBORN with you on May 11th!
It's been six months since the publication of my debut novel, GAIA HUNTED, and the experience has been a dream come true. My deepest thanks to everyone who read the novel. Your praise and support has been absolutely amazing! It's been a joy to meet readers at conferences and book fairs as well to talk about my writing on television, Youtube and blogs. Speaking on a great panel at the Providence Book Festival with fellow authors Joanna Schaffhausen and Tonya D. Price (moderated by Maureen Walsh). But the big news I want to share is that the audiobook for GAIA HUNTED has just been released.
With the help of the talented voice actor Frongi, we have brought to life the characters of Mattie's world. Listening to the novel is a whole new experience, and I'm incredibly proud of what we made. I hope you take a chance to check it out. You can listen to an excerpt or find the entire audiobook on Audible, iTunes and Amazon. If you've read the book, please let me know what you thought. You can email me and/or post a review on Amazon and Goodreads. I'm also going to be speaking on panels at the Salem Literary Festival and the New England Crime Bake writer's conference. It would be great to see you there. Many thanks and keep reading! J.R. Walcutt My interview with Tell Me About Your Damn Book just dropped. Watch to learn about hitchhiking around Hawaii and my favorite curse word.
A month ago, I was honored to be interviewed on Books and the World--the longest running cable television show dedicated to writing and books. Thank you to the Cape Cod Writers Center for hosting me. Check out the interview below!
With palpable tension and unbridled excitement, my first novel, GAIA HUNTED has been released into the world. If you're looking for your next book to read, I'd be honored if you were to pick up a copy. Everyone is welcome to the GAIA HUNTED launch party on January 26th at 2pm at O'Neills Pub in Salem. There will be a book giveaway as well light hors d'oeuvres. Please reply to the evite or Facebook event if you're able to come. I truly hope you enjoy reading Mattie's story. If you did, please share it with others either through social media or word of mouth. Books live and die by reviews, so if you can post one on Amazon or Goodreads it would make a real difference. Lastly, for the past few months, I've been working with an incredibly talented voice actor, Emily Frongillo, to produce the audiobook of GAIA HUNTED. Expect to hear about its release in the near future. If you want to keep posted of all my wild writing adventures, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Goodreads. I always love hearing from readers, and especially your reactions to GAIA HUNTED. Thank you to all who have provided kind words of support, and happy reading! J.R. *GAIA HUNTED is the story of Mattie Fisher, a middle school teacher who is told by a Salem psychic that she's a reincarnated goddess. What Mattie doesn't realize is that there is a god of war hunting her – forcing her to race from the deity-filled streets of New York to sacred Hindu temples to the lawless Amazon. If Mattie is to survive and restore balance to the world, she must accept the powers buried within her, which could either bring her ultimate wisdom or complete madness. After several years of daydreaming, staring at words on a screen, innumerable cups of coffee, talking to myself, and draft-after-unfinished draft, I'm proud to announce that my first novel, GAIA HUNTED, will be released on January 22nd 2019! Nothing gives me greater excitement (and apprehension) than the idea of you reading it, and because I hope you may have an inkling of curiosity as well, I want to give you the first look at the opening chapters.
Have I sparked your interest? Would you like to read a little more? Come down the road of temptation. Click here for a preview of the first few chapters of GAIA HUNTED. For those who believe waiting is insufferable and desire instant gratification, the e-book is available for pre-sale on Amazon. The print book will be available on January 22, 2019. Lastly, every new novel needs a party. I'm throwing a launch party—complete with acts of courage and feats of strength—in Salem on Saturday January 26th at 2pm at O'Neills Pub. Check out the evite here. Hope to see you there! Happy Trails J.R. (Jason) Sign up for the newsletter to be notified for the book release.
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